What can we help you find?

Race, Justice, and Activism

Books For Children

1000 Black Girl Books: A Resource Guide

Dia Booklist engaging stories representing a variety of cultures and backgrounds to share with children from birth through 8th grade.

Inspiring Future Voters The Inspiring Future Voters booklist, developed for American Library Association’s Reader. Voter. Ready. campaign, is a collection of titles that will help young people understand the importance of voting, civic engagement, and making their voices heard. The list includes fiction and nonfiction titles for all ages, from birth to young adult.

Tough Topics Booklists from the Association for Library Service to Children (ASLC)

Needham Library Booklist with Links to the Library Catalog, Overdrive & Hoopla 

Resources for Parents and Teachers

PBS:Tools for Anti-Racist Teaching

In this four-part series, explore tools for anti-racist teaching and consider the ways in which we can use media and media literacy to deepen our understanding of systemic racism.


  1. Deepening your understanding of Race & Racism
  2. Using Media to Know Better, Teach Better
  3. Amplify Student Voices
  4. Focusing on Young Learners

When Bad Things Happen

For Children

For Parents & Teachers

    Diversity Books Read Aloud on You Tube.

    Inclusion in the list may not be interpreted as the library’s endorsement.